Thank you for helping us provide
[price_table_group] [price_table title =”Small” price=”$25 Donation” button_text=”Donate” button_url =”#” button_color=”#29BCE4″]- Pays for gas and tolls to / and from events.
- Allows us to Advertise
- Restocks our gunstock musk
- Pays for our web server
- All donations are used 100% for the group. (No Salaries)
- Pays for gas and tolls to / and from events.
- Allows us to market.
- Restocks our gunstock musket.
- Pays for our web server
- All donations are used 100% for the group. (No Salaries)
- Pays for gas and tolls to / and from events.
- Allows us to market.
- Restocks our gunstock muskets.
- Pays for our web server
- All donations are used 100% for the group. (No Salaries)
- Pays for gas and tolls to / and from events.
- Allows us to market.
- Restocks our gunstock muskets.
- Pays for our web server
- All donations are used 100% for the group. (No Salaries)
What people say
[one_half][/one_half] [one_half last=last]John Smith
I love being a membrer of this group. It makes my life fulfilling.
[/one_half]John Doe
I have been a member of other groups in the past, but this is by far the single best group ever!